bulk RNA-seq(1):Concatenation of raw read files

bulk RNA-seq(1):Concatenation of raw read files

Concatenation of Raw Read Files

To begin with, my operating environment is Linux Ubuntu 20.04.4, and I am working with 64 raw read fastq.gz files.

What we need to accomplish first is the concatenation of 4 files into a single file. For instance:

File name (before)File name(after)


Lane Splitting: To increase throughput and reduce experimental bias, a sample’s DNA or RNA library might be sequenced across several lanes. This results in a separate data file for each lane, leading to multiple R1.fastq.gz files for a single sample.

To achieve this in Linux, open the terminal and execute the following script:

for name in *.fastq.gz; do
  printf '%s\n' "${name%_*_*_R[12]*}"
done | uniq |

while read prefix; do
  cat "$prefix"*R1*.fastq.gz > "${prefix}_R1.fastq.gz"
  cat "$prefix"*R2*.fastq.gz > "${prefix}_R2.fastq.gz"

Subsequently, verify if the files have been successfully concatenated.

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